How to Fix #200 Insufficient permission Error

This is one of the common errors on Pilot Poster and it is an error that has to do with permissions. Posting to Facebook groups require some permissions set by the user posting and the Facebook group admin.

#200 Insufficient permission is caused by one of the following with solutions;

1. The group does not permit Members posting

If the group admin does not permit its group members to post to groups, sending a post with Pilot Poster to such group will pop up with #200 Insufficient permission error. There is nothing you can do to post to such group.

2. You did not set the right permission when authenticating your app.

If you fail to set the app permission to PUBLIC while authenticating, you will likely encounter #200 Insufficient permission error because the app does not have enough permission to post to the groups.

To Fix app permission from Facebook;

Goto, search for the app you are posting with (e.g iPhoto), ensure the permission is set to PUBLIC.

3. Invalid token. Simply Authenticate other apps to fix.

The last scenario that could lead to you seen the #200 Insufficient permission error is when your app token is expired. When the app token expires, it means the app does not have the required permission to post to Facebook, therefore bring up that error.

To fix, all you need to do is re-authenticate the app used for posting.

There are two methods to authenticate apps, the first one is the traditional method and the second is for those who can’t successfully authenticate using the first method, you can find alternative method in this article.

Do you have #200 Insufficient permission error? Drop your comments below.

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  1. Abdulla Sirag

    always yor good prepared guide and your fast response to my mails surprise me .. thanks for your efforts

  2. Augusto de Oliveira

    I’m receiving the error “(#200) the user has not authorized the application to perform this action.”

    I changed 10000 times the aplication, deleted, reapply and always happens the same.(sometimes I get token access error)

  3. Fernando

    Hi all.
    I’ve noticed this error #200 also occur when trying to post in groups that are config as “sale groups”, in which the default option is “sell something” that post format is slightly different.
    I think that for these groups Pilot Poster would have to first choose “start discussion” option before “write” the post.
    Actually I don’t know how the poster interacts with the FB, but do you understand what I mean?

    1. Fernando

      In fact, I think the problem was use Spotify app. With HTC, all posts are beeing sent!

      Thanks a lot

  4. Eugene

    On every post that I make on the message part there is always some kind of code:
    59444AF74BC69, 5944467114AA5, 59443B12DEC17
    For every post its a different code.

  5. RAMAN

    (#200) insufficient permission to post to target on behalf of the viewer

    I am receiving this sms what to do ?

    1. This happens when the access token of your app expires, and this is every 2 hours for the default app (Graph Explorer). To fix, authenticate HTC sense and set as default app because it has access token that could last for weeks. See guide Here:

      Thank you.

  6. ROHIT

    (#200) The user has not authorized the application to perform this action.

    1. This could be caused by several reasons including, the group does not permit members to post to the group or your app access token is expired.

      – Try to see if you can post to such group
      – Authenticate HTC Sense or Facebook for iPhone apps and set as default.

      Then try again.

  7. ROHIT

    (#200) The user has not authorized the application to perform this action.

    1. This could be caused by several reasons including, the group does not permit members to post to the group or your app access token is expired.

      – Try to see if you can post to such group
      – Authenticate HTC Sense or Facebook for iPhone apps and set as default.

      Then try again.

  8. Quando vado ad impostare l’app Graph API Explorer il messaggio che da e ” Ciò non consente all’app di pubblicare contenuti su Facebook” e non mi fa i post , sapete come risolvere il probelma ? xche nei post mi da sempre errore 200 grazie per la disponibilità

    1. Nomelle

      Ciao Risolto tutto, grazie mille, e complimenti x l’applicazione

  9. Ferjenand Rama

    Is my scheduled post will be posted even my facebook acct and pilot poster acct is logged out?

    1. Yes, it’ll be posted, as long as you use the SCHEDULE function. If you use the SEND NOW option, then the page must be left opened for the posting to continue.

  10. Briana

    My posts aren’t working. I am getting no response on them which makes me think they are not going through

    When U view the post it says “sorry this content is not available right now”

  11. Maycon Moura

    Hello, why can’t I post to groups with apps others than HTC Sense or Instagram? I’ve tried the others but it always shows me a #200 error. I’m finding those two apps required permissions much invasive and also with non-necessary required permissions (to make posts). Is there anyway to post to groups with the other ones?

    1. What error do you get when authenticating other apps?

      However, you do not need to authenticate all apps. HTC Sense and Instagram should do the posting for you without any problem.

  12. Godwin

    I have tried to apply all the fixes recommended here to no avail. This error #200 insufficient permission staarted a couple of days ago. No matter what I have doen as recommended, it would not come to normal.

  13. Usama

    (#200) Permissions error Error Code : 200
    I have only post in 5-6 groups with intervel of 280 sec , but after posting to 5-6 groups it gave this error. I tried too much but it give again this error. plz resolve error. I shall be very thankfull to you for this kindness
    username : usamazubair86

    1. Hello,

      That error means you do not have the permission to post to the affected groups.

      Some group admin does not permit members posting.

      Thank you.

  14. Emanuele

    I get this error only with HTC sense:
    “(#200) The user has not authorized the application to perform this action.
    Error Code : 200”
    HTC Sense is set on Public.

    Can you help me?

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